Published Works
7 Billion Angels Whispering We Love You 2016 Divine Love Publishing
“Across the Way” Poetry Anthology 2014 Eber and Wein Publishing
“Bully Robin Red Breast” - Illustrator 2008 Trafford Publishing
Post-Secondary Education
Emily Carr University of Art and Design 2016 Vancouver, BC
~Illustration for Picture Books
Camosun College Visual Arts Program 2011-2013 Victoria, BC
~Diploma in Visual Arts
Canadian College of Performing Arts 2008/2009 Victoria, BC
~Certificate in Performing Arts
4Cats Art Studio 2014-2015 South Burnaby
Art instructor
Sea Change Gifts 2013-2014 Salt Spring Island
Silk Screener, Silk Screening Instructor
Maracaibo Estates 2012-2014 Salt Spring Island
Children's art class coordinator/Instructor
Sign Maker
Gallery Showings
Ocean Life 2017 Salt Spring Island
Art 4 Life 2015 Port Moody
Out of the Grey -Art Show 2013 Victoria BC
Lime Light- Art Show 2012 Victoria BC
Excellence in Fine Arts Award 2007 Salt Spring Island
Gulf Island Secondary School
Excellence in Acting
Canadian College of Performing Arts 2008 Victoria BC